How It Began

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In a West Texas cotton field during the Great Depression, a young teenager, Glenn Hazel, knew God wanted him to be a singer. While farming would be his way of life for several decades, he began to develop musical talents and skills at every opportunity.


During Glenn’s time in the Navy in WWII, he met a fellow sailor, also from Texas, who shared the same musical interests. The two honed their sight-reading and singing skills from Stamps Baxter songbooks during their work breaks.  Back home, Glenn eventually met and married his friend’s younger sister, Mae Peterson. Mae came from a farming family that was musical and sometimes sang on a local religious radio program.

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While bringing up four children, Glenn and Mae Hazel left farming and moved to Lubbock in 1967. It was here that gathering around the piano in the evenings to sing became a nightly occurrence. The older children were teens and could sing harmony. They began attending local Sunday afternoon convention singings and sang as a group at these events. Soon churches and civic groups were inviting them to present gospel music concerts.

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For the next 15 years the Hazel Family shared the Gospel message in music. While music was at the forefront, the heart of it all was centered on God’s eternal Truth and the hope that is found in Him.